Friday, September 5, 2008

Back Again

Hey there! It's been a while...again! I don't post unless there's something to post. LOL! I plan on being here more. Anyways:

Judi said...
Hi, I found you through Elliot..I think..ask anyone on blogger..they'll tell you I'm nosey. :)What kind of snake did was the dog bitten by?-Judi
August 1, 2008 6:13 PM

Judi: Not really sure. I think it was a Copperhead....I think :)
Also, I was wondering if you could pray for a few things...okay a lot of things. It's been kinda crazy lately.

1. My friend's older sister died a little while ago. Flinn posted about it I think. I has been VERY hard on the mom and the second oldest sister especially.

2. My other friend is just back from the hospital yesterday or today. She was totally fine and then all of the sudden she had really high temperature and her stomach hurt. They had to do all kinds of stuff and now she is better again but sore cause of all that stuff they did.

3. My sister got a part in a play! YAY! I just was thinking you could pray for her and a friend that got in it too that they do well and remember their lines.

4. I am in a play! A different one. It is a Star Wars play and I am some evil Sith thing. It will be really fun. I have to saber-fight my sister and so far the fight is really cool. Anyways...just hope that goes good and we remember our fight! :)

That's all. I do hope to be here don't give up on me just yet! :D

God Bless and Never Alone


P.S. If you like Pirates of the Carribean and Wicked the Musical then look on youtube and type in When Sparrows Fly. It is REALLY funny.


Judi said...

Wow, I totally forgot I had commented on here.
Thank you for the comment on my blog. :)

Paris said...


Ian said...

Hey! A post! lol :)

Don't worry...swordfights should be pretty easy to improvise...I think...:) Though I don't know what I'm talking about really...:)


Araken said...

IAN! You and me both! I don't think about what I'm saying until after I've said it! And sometimes I don't agree after I've though about it!

IdinaTook said...

Thanks for the comments!