Saturday, September 20, 2008


Okay, a couple of months ago I wrote all the Pevensie's actors/actress. About a month ago Georgie Henley (Lucy) sent me an autographed picture back. I WAS SOOO HAPPY! But then I wasn't trying to get into a blogging habbit so I didn't post about it. ;) On that same day, my friend calls me and says she just got Ben Barnes' (Prince Caspian) autograph in the mail because we both wrote them all. It was crazy weird that we got them on the same day.
So yesterday she calls me and says she has got Skandar Keynes (Edmund) autograph who is my total favorite out of all of them...and they are real...I can tell. Georgie's may not be if any just because of how it looks, but this one definately is. Anyways, I screamed with excitement and she did too and we talked forever. I was sooo happy for her!
I hadn't checked my mail that day, so I thought...wouldn't it be funny if we got them on the same day again? So I went out, checked my mail, and I get one too! I was sooooooo excited and still am as you can tell! So yeah! I got Skandar's too. That made me really happy! :D
That's all! LOL

God Bless and Never Alone,


Judi said...

That is so awesome!

Paris said...

So cool! I wanna do that!