Thursday, January 31, 2008

American Idol Pole

Sorry about the American Idol pole thingy. It is all jumbled together. Maybe it will straiten out.

crazy day!!!

Today was REALLY hectic. We had to drive for 35 minutes because we had to go to the orthodoist. When we got there, something went wrong with the braces and now we may have to do some surgery on my sister's tooth, for the 2nd time in a year may I add. That is a little scary because we don't think that would be very good for her.
After that we had to go around 10 other places and we got home only a short time ago. I'm soooo sleepy now! Oh well! What my whole point in telling all that was that I was hoping you could please pray that my sister will not have to do surgery again. :{

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Heroes with Hangups

(1)Rayhab(sp?) was a prositute and that is the lowest of low.

(2)She lied to save 2 men who were spys for Isreal.
3)The reason she had faith in God was because she heard the stories of the parting of the Red Sea and she heard that God had completely destroyed two kings.

(4)When the Isrealites did the battle of Jerico her life was spared because she saved two spys. Cool Huh?

(5)The thing I like about her was that it doesn't seem like she said, "Yay, my life is saved now let's go back to my old habbits." It seems like she is influenced by that and she really changed all of that.

I want to be told that the world was not worthy of me, and in Hebrews in the 'Bible hero hall of fame' (sort of) it says that she was in that list. I think that if somebody who had that many issues can be in there than I can most certainly be encouraged by that. Somebody as bad as her is in the geneology of Christ. WOW! The lowest of low in the geneology of the highest of high.

Did you know that it has been archelogically proven that the walls of Jerico collapsed in on itself. BIBLICAL PROOF! You gotta luv it.

Youth Tonight


Welcome to my blog and thanks for coming!
Tonight is youth and we are going through a study called Heroes with Hangups. It is about how we put certain people from the bible on a pedestal(sp?) and think that they can do no wrong so we could never do what they have to better the kingdom.
The reality is that everyone messes up and that we could be like Paul or whoever your bible hero is.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm here!!! :D


Thanks for viewing my blog!

I am doing a bible study on love right now and it has been good. I have only started it a short time ago and I think I shall learn a lot! Is anyone else in a bible study and if so, what about and what have you learned? Maybe I can benefit from your bible knowledge!

Thank you again, all of my 2 very cool viewers are appreciated greatly!!!!!! I LUV U FLINN AND SAVED MONSTER!

Indina...ect. :D