Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Youth Tonight


Welcome to my blog and thanks for coming!
Tonight is youth and we are going through a study called Heroes with Hangups. It is about how we put certain people from the bible on a pedestal(sp?) and think that they can do no wrong so we could never do what they have to better the kingdom.
The reality is that everyone messes up and that we could be like Paul or whoever your bible hero is.


Araken said...

Ah, a good topic. I think a prime example is David. He had all this power to do good with and yet he goes off and abuses it, committing adultery and harming his people in the process.

IdinaTook said...


thank u 4 commenting! i know this is sort of a personal question but r u a christian? i am. thanks again!

saved monster said...

Very intresting. :)

I read about Samson the other day, and he is one of those heroes with some serious hang ups. Still, he is listed as faithful in Hebrews...

Paul is my favorite, I think.