Saturday, March 1, 2008

Take Action

Ok, so today was that worship event that I spoke of before. Thanks for all of the prayers (i think i asked ya'll to pray) my hip-hop dance went great! I had a blast doing it...but aside from that, the whole day was amazing!
Let me begin with what Take Action is. It is a whole day of worship that the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base in my state has.
It is amazing how something as small as one day of getting together with other believers in Christ and just telling Him how much you love Him can do to totally open you up! It was just such an un-inhibited invironment and after just feeling what REALLY worshiping was like I don't think I'll ever do it any other way. There were people praying over one another that didn't even know each other, hands and voices raised everywhere, and you could just tell by looking about that ever person in that room truly had a heart for God. It was absoloutly increadible! My ending question is: Has anybody ever been to something like this? and another is: Does anyone have a YWAM base in their state?



saved monster said...

Yes! Take Action was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remeber when I first went to it and I got the same feeling about worship. The only problem is how irritating it is when you go back to your church and feel those times of apathy. However, I must say that emotion can be decieving. Just because a person doesn't seem emotionally charged doesn't mean they aren't truly worshiping Chirst.

I am so glad you got to experience that. I come from a slightly gospel background, and so Holy Spirit permeation in worship is wonderful and pretty natural for me--not that I am Pentecostal. :) No offense to any one.

Wow. This was a long comment. I'll end it.


IdinaTook said...


I know just what you mean about when you go back to church. I was kinda like...hhhmmmm...this is really good worship but it's not TAKE ACTION!