Friday, March 7, 2008

My new pole

Hey! I just wanted to say quite breefly(sp?) that the funny saying pole got cut off at the bottom. It is supposed to say "I am confuzal-dwarfed."
Also...who is mad that Danny left? I sure was! He seemed like a different person but I LOVED his voice. He just seemed very likable and I am not a Chakezee(sp?) fan. No offense to those lovers of Chakezee, but I just didn't like him much. He did seem like a nice person though! Tell me what you think and if you comment...I'd like to learn why. Maybe it will change my oppinion...or it could just be a fun thing to do!!!


Erasemus Mommeson said...


Ian said...

Well I frankly don't have an opinion on AMerican Idol, so I don't care too much....the rest of my family does, though.

Have fun!


Sapphira Adi said...

Funny, I've never really watched American Idol. But it seems like a bunch of other teen girls make a big deal about it.