Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break

So how was Spring Break for all of you guys?!? It was sooo much fun for me! I had my cute little two year old cousin, her parents, and some other Aunts and Uncles at my house...IT WAS GREAT! They live a LONG ways away so I never get to see them. I almost cried the day they left...maybe I did. I think I shall ask a very hard~to~answer and very random question!

Do you prefer The Isle of Swords or The Door Within?

My answer to that would have to be The Door Within:The Rise of the Wyrm Lord...though I am a HUGE fan of all of them! (By the way, I finally answered the confuseldwarfed question below.) Well, g2g!


P.S. Enchanted came out on the 18th! WWWOOOOOHHHHOOOO!!!!


Ian said...

What's this "Enchanted" that you speak of?

I have not read the Isle of Swords OR the Door Within...but I MUST! MUST MUST MUST!


IdinaTook said...

Well, I shall post a picture of is a movie. FUNNY STUFF!