Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Yes...I know, I am posting again! I have to catch up from all of those weeks of not posting! I just wanted to put some Lion,Whitch, and Wardrobe/Prince Caspian pics on here!


David said...

how old r u?

Ian said...

Those pictures make the movie seem good...I want to see it! Although after reading the book, I'm not sure they will be able to make it as good as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe). In my opinion, the books start to go down the drain after the Pevensies leave.


IdinaTook said...

AGREED! The Pevensie kids make Narnia as populare as it is! The movie does look pretty good but they said Andrew Adamson changed some things...I hope Caspian doesn't take Peter's glory in the Miraz battle!

IdinaTook said...

Taken: i don't really want to state my age for certain reasons. no offense though, it's nothing to do with you!