Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Pontius Christmas Prank

Okay, this is a video on youtube that I thought was pretty funny. It's actually of some friends of ours from church!'s 9 minutes long but totally worth the watch, I think. Hope you like it!

God Bless and Never Alone!


Araken said...

Hey, sorry it's been so long. I can't view it right now; dial-up stinks like the dying slug that it's being outraced by. But when I get to school where I can get WiFi, I'll be able to see it!

Love what you've done with the place, btw!

Ian said...

I can't watch it either. School blocks, you know...:(

I'll try to visit more often than I have been...


Judi said...

You guys are awful guys have been gone for sooooo long and all you have are pathetic excuses like "I can't view it now because of my dial-up" and "School blocks"
*Shakes head in disgust* Boys.

Araken said...

Unfair! Unfair! I demand your the number of your license to give negative criticism!

Judi said...

Umm..i don't need a license..we're given the right at birth..because boys can be real, why should we need a license for that kinda stuff? It wasn't negative critism, Araken..i was simply..stating facts..i love you all very much O:-)

Ian said...

Facts??! FACTS??!!! Pathetic excuses?? Humph.

I WISH I could watch the video, but...I can't...that's a fact, too. The only computer I have access to that might not have it blocked would be our home computer, which is so slow that it wouldn't even load the video. *sighs* And now that my parents installed a filter on that computer...

It's not fair. :( And then you ACCUSE and CRITICISE me for this?? :( *cries*
