Monday, December 22, 2008

Narnia audition

I know that Flinn has already said something about it but we are going to try to be an extra in the next Narnia movie! I hope we get the part, but if not, it isn't the worst thing in the world.
Also, I need prayer because we are going to another audition on January 2nd in which we have to cry. That is a VERY hard thing for me to do. It is not very often that I cry for real and so doing it fake-ishly will be hard!!!!!!

God Bless and Never Alone,


Polka Dotted Pickles said...

That would be so insanely cool! Hmmm, fake crying, yes. Just think of something sad that happened to you...That might work. Good luck! :)

Judi said...

I'll be praying for both you and Flinn..It would be really cool if you got the part..I need to have a friend who got to play in a narnia movie..I would tell EVERYONE!
Yeah, i agree with polka dotted pickles..think of something sad...
I'm sure you can do're awesome!!

Polka Dotted Pickles said...

I tried to click the link, but it says something about the blog being removed and not being a member. :(

Araken said...

That is soooo awesome!! I want to play Tirian when tLB comes around...

Will pray!

God Bless!