Saturday, February 23, 2008

Prayer requests

Well, I was hoping you could all pray for me in these little areas!

1. I am TRYING to train my German Shepherd to be a therapy dog so that he can go in nursing homes or children's hospitals and maybe cheer them up a bit. However, my dog decided he would rather be a monkey in the circus and he won't be taught. Another problem is that I don't train him every day and I need to find the will-power to just go do it!

2. My great grandfather passed away a while ago, but my grandma is still having a hard time.

3. My grandfather is in the nursing home and he really wants to get out. He had to have his toes taken off so now he must learn how to walk again before he can do that.

4. I am going to a hip-hop dance preformance at a thing that is basically a whole day just to worship and stuff. I will be preforming in it and I am a little rusty on some of the moves. AAAAHHHHH!


Ian said...

Wow. I will pray for you.

I don't think I'd ever be able to dance in front of a bunch of people...

Ian said...

Say, you're not a member of the YCF yet, are you? If not, would you like to jion?


IdinaTook said...


That would be cool! I'd love to! Is it like an online witness thing or something?