Friday, April 4, 2008



We...meaning me and Flinn, are going to a girls ministy called SAGE. (sorry, i can't tell you what it stands for. i forgot) It will be REALLY fun I think...though it kinda landed at a bad time. We are missing 2 things!

1) Our steel swords class

2) Three of my guy pals are in a play this weekend and because of SAGE we can't see it. Darn. They will all be in tights! TEE HEE! (it's a peter pan ballet and they are doing sword fighting.)

But anyway..."what exactly is SAGE?" You may ask. Well, it is where a ton of girl from different churches get together and just worship. I LOVE worship. It rules and...oh darn. Can't finish. My friend is here. More Later and I suppose by then I shall tell you how it went! SORRY.

Never Alone and God Bless,



Araken said...

Why can't you reveal the words specified by the acrostic?

Tights...oh boy, lol. My school just did peter pan. I didn't get to see it either, though.

Can anyone tell me if POTC is like...ok to watch? I'm not into people getting their arms ripped off, and I don't get thrilled at the sight of blood. However, I was at this art competition/gallery today and saw a part of CotBP on a friend's iPod. It looked ok, but what about the rest?

Ian said...

I think the first one is the best -not so obsessed with wierd freaks and gross stuff. Just people walking around as skeletons when the moon shines on them...and lots of sword/cannon fighting. Also, one of the rare movies without any actual swearing!


IdinaTook said...

I forgot what SAGE stands for...sorry! I wouldn't suggest the third POTC but the others are OK. I like the first one....i could TOTALLY live without seeing the 2nd one ever again even though I didn't hate it.

Sapphira Adi said...

Araken- What is POTC? If it has blood and people's arms get ripped off, it doesn't sound like my kind of movie:)

Indina- SAGE sounds really cool. Let us know when you figure out what it stands for. Try asking Flinn. She might know:)


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Pirates of the Caribbean! I LOVE it, although I will say the third one is the most gore filled. But to complete the trilogy, you have to see it. I love it to death!

~No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.~

*Will Turner


Sapphira Adi said...

My dad is incredibly strict about the movies I watch. I wasn't allowed to see Pirates of the Caribbean because it was rated PG-13. I still can't see it even though I'm almost fourteen! lol.


saved monster said...

Salvation, Application, Growth, Evangilism...that's what I believe it stands for!

Sapphira Adi said...

Maybe that's what SAGE stands for.............

Araken said...

[strokes chin] Hmmm...yes, that could be a most probable possibility...

~Just*Flinn~ said...

LOL! I love that Hello, my name is Peter Pevensie thing! hee hee

IdinaTook said...

Thanks Monster my increadibly correct friend!!!