Saturday, April 25, 2009

This post is rated PG-13 for blunt honesty :)

SOOOO sorry that it took me this long to update!

SAGE was totally amazing as usual. They covered all of the tpical girl topics-modesty, boys, stuff like that, but they did it in a fun and different way! It was awesome. All of the teaching was great.
It also talked about how much the media really has an affect on us. Not just what we see, but song lyrics or anything like that. Or not even that the lyrics are bad, just that we are too busy obsessing over a song, movie, book, or magazine that it takes away from time with God.
I think that TWILIGHT is a good example of that (I have tons of friends that read/love it so I am not bashing anyone else who does too!). The books are VERY well written and make us go on the journey with that character-feel what they feel, think what they think, want to do what they do, want to have what they have. They are written SO well, and in such a way, that it makes people think that it's okay to make out or have "moments" with guys, if you know what I mean. >:p IT'S SICK!!! Wait until marriage. This DOES NOT just go for gets guys minds going where it should not be going until marriage as well. We do not need media stirring up feelings that God is supposed to stir up when the time is right.

thazall folks! lol

God Bless and Never Alone,


Anonymous said...


Camden said...

Good point. My Sunday school class had a discussion about Twilight, and fantasy in general. What we came down to was: Fantasy does have an impact in your life. The only question is, what impact, and is that for the greater glory of God? I tend to lean towards 'no.'


Judi said...

I agree with you about the whole waiting for marriage thing, but I gotta ask, though, have you ever read or watched Twilight? It is a beautiful love story. Kind of a little like Romeo and Juliet because they can't be together. And I know that a lot of people disagree with me because Romeo and Juliet is a classic, but seriously, Juliet was only like 14.

Shelby said...

I've done research on Twilight and I have issues with it. Not something I would ever want to read. Or watch. Or think about.

Jacob R Parker said...

I agree. It seems like the media is getting worse in that respect, too.

IdinaTook said...

Judi- I love you, girl! But, I've gotta disagree. =) Although I cannot say that I have read the books myself, or seen the movie, I have a ton of friends that have obsessed over it and told me the entire plot! LOL! Also, there was a point where I didn't really know what it was about and I wanted to read mom read reviews and stuff and told me why it was that I wasn't allowed to read them or see them.

Romeo and Juliet is set in a different time. It was okay for a 14 year old to marry back then.

This post wasn't really talking about the content of the book, necessarily (sp?haha), but more about how it's written and what it does. The author is unbelievably tallented...and that's the problem. Instead of using that gift for good...not that it MUST be Christian...but Good, Moral, topics...she uses it to cause girls to want to kiss. To want to have sex.To long for something that they simply are not old enough or ready for yet. And again, this doesn't just apply to girls even though I am saying "girls" just because I am one! haha

Judi, I think you are awesome! And I am not saying that it's my way or the highway. I'm just stating the facts. =) Love you! I really do! And I hope this doesn't come across rude!

Judi said...

You don't come across as rude but I gotta say that I read all four of the books and they didn't make me want anything at all. Like I said before, you don't sleep together unless you're married, which the main people of twilight (Edward and Bella) did wait until they were married.

I know what you're saying about Good, Moral topics, but there's all that in the Bible. There's sex before marriage in the Bible. And murder is in the Bible.

I'm not saying that I think you should read them because everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But the writer of Twilight is extrememely talented. It is a sweet romance story and I think wonderfully written. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan. I'm saying it because it's true.

I would've loved to have come up with an idea like Twilight. Granted, I wouldn't have put sex in there...but still. The book is a great idea. And I'm not trying to come off as controversial, I'm just stating what I believe.

IdinaTook said...

Yes, all of that stuff is in the Bible...but only to tell us that things like that ARE NOT okay. And yes, they do wait until marriage. But we don't need to be reading what they do on their honeymoon at our ages. We have a long time to wait until we get involved in that or even need to really know about it.
The Bible says to think on things that are pure, and to guard our heart. Not just to kinda pick and choose what we want in there because it "doesn't really affect us." God doesn't want us to just be aware of what goes in our hearts...he wants us to GUARD them. Do whatever is necessary to keep bad things away. If you were in charge of guarding the president (I know, silly example) you wouldn't let just anyone in because they seemed nice and tallented would you? It's the same thing. Only God puts more value on your heart than that.
I'm not saying that you get done reading the books and you want to run our and have sex on the spot. That would be silly. But I am saying that it does cause romantic feelings to be stirred up inside you whether you know it or not. :)

Judi said...

Idina, I still believe what I said earlier. I'm not going back on anything. But I don't want to disagree anymore.
When people who are my friends disagree with me about their beliefs, it's never ended well.
And I don't want to lose you over something like Twilight. You believe what you believe about it and I believe what I believe about it.

IdinaTook said...

I would never dump our friendship over something like this! :D I love you wwwwaaaayyyy to much for that! ;)
But I do agree and we can cut the debate short of ya wanna! :D

Anonymous said...

No, you were not too blunt. :)