Thursday, March 19, 2009

Liam Neeson's wife :(

Liam Neeson and his wife were on a skiing trip. She was going down a slope when she fell and hit her head, I suppose on a rock burried under the snow. She seemed to be totally fine. They took her down on one of the jet things anyways-since she was a star. They went back to the hotel room and she even joked about how clumsy she was. Then, later that day, she began to get head aches so bad that they took her to the hospital.
She was taken to ICU and Liam was told that his wife was probably not going to make it. She died--yesterday I believe.
Apparently, she had bleeding inside her brain and no one knew.

It is totally amazing how quick and un-predictable life is. No way to tell when it will end. All we can be sure of, is that it WILL end. And we need to know where we are going when it does.

My prayers are with Liam.

God Bless and Never Alone,

1 comment:

Camden said...

Life is way short. We know all the analogies: a blip on a radar, a wave on the beach, a breath in our bodies. But when you really know someone who dies at a young age, it hits you a lot more than any reminder. Thanks for this reminder, Indina


P.S. Thanks for nominating me!