Monday, March 30, 2009

What's your favorite ______?

Okay, so the rules are the same as every other one of these things: Copy. Paste. Answer. Tag. Here we go! :D

1. What's your favorite school subject? Math!

2. What's your favorite movie? Miss Potter!

3. What's your favorite Bible verse and why? Isaiah 41:10; It's encouraging!

4. What's your favorite day of the week and why? I like Friday because it means I get to stay up all night with the best sista EVAH! :P

5. What's your favorite color (yeah, I know that's a lame question-so typical! :P)? I LOVE YELLOW!!!

6. What's your favorite band? That is an EVIL question! There are so many! Hmm...probably Barlow Girl!

7. What's your favorite kind of music? BROADWAY MUSICALS!!!! I am also a huge fan of music devoted to the praise of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!

8. What's your favorite book? The Door Within, what else? :D

9. What'r you planning to do after this? EAT FOOD! YUM!

10. Who'r you tagging?

Judi, Eliot and Araken!


Shelby said...

Hehe! That looks like fun. So how are you doing these days?

Anonymous said...

I know, hobbits are so cute! I love Pippin, Merry, Sam, Frodo... oh, and we musn't forget Bilbo and his awesome penmanship! :)
I wish I coudl write like a hobbit...
I'm following you, now, by the way :) I like your blog!
I could make you a header with Bag End or something, if you want! I could do a hobbit(s)

Anonymous said...

I love Barlow Girl, too! :)
"You fool of a Took!" Just joking!!!
But you DO say you're a Took...
BTW, I liked the movie about Beatrix Potter, too! Renee Zellweger did a great job, and I've always loved Beatrix Potter!

Camden said...

Thanks for tagging me Indina! The post is up now.


IdinaTook said...

Ellie- I am doing great...and VERY busy! lol :D How are you?

Eaewen- A header would be cool! Pippin is totally my favorite Hobbit, but I love them all! I SO wish I could wite like a Hobbit too! Thanks for following me! :D:D:D
Renee did do a great job! Ewan McGregor didn't do bad himself! :P

Eliot- Sure thing! Can't wait to see your answers!

Shelby said...

Ditto on the busy! lol. Hopefully I will be able to write long and eloquently this weekend. lol.

I am great, though.