Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"New Years" Resoloution

Well, it's almost here, and already *is* here for some of us! Ah yes...the new school year has come. I'm one of those kids who pretty much DREADS this time of the year...but I'll live! lol ;)
I just thought I would ramble about the things I am happy about, and the things I am not so happy for this year!


1. I really liked pre-algebra, so algebra shouldn't be much of a problem...I might be one of those wierdos who like it! lol

2. I have made the best, most increadible friends of my life this summer, and I know that if I do struggle, they will be there, along with God, to help me!

3. I am doing a book that combines algebra 1 & 2, so I will be killing two birds with one stone! YAY!

4. All of the fun highschool events!

5. I am one step closer to being done with school FOREVER!!!!!!!

6. I am getting closer to the age of being aloud to have a phone!!! VERY yay!!! lol

7. P.E. credits are forcing me to work out, which I have been intending to do anyways!


1. It's just all new and kinda scary

2. Having to stress over getting enough credits

3. School taking up all of my time, and leaving no time for fun...that's a selfish one, I know.

4. I one of those people who just doesn't have the drive to study hard, and now that my grades really count, I really need to work hard. I am totally willing to do that! I just need prayer so that I can work through my laziness. hehe...

Well, that's all of my random ramblings of the school year, except I thought it would be fun to do a "new years" resoloution since it's a new school year. =D Mine is to work hard, and really *care* about my grades. I need ya'll to keep me accountable, okay? lol

So...I'd better head off. I've got some facebooking to do! hehe...But I would love you you guys to comment and tell me what you think of your school year! Ups and downs, or just whatever you want to say! ;) ttyl!

God Bless and Never Alone,



Araken said...

Ooh, I don't like getting credits. I mean, I DO like it when I GET the credit, but all the road to getting that credit I could do without.

But don't worry, you'll do fine.

IdinaTook said...

Aw, thanks! Yeah...SCEERY! lol